Monday, March 5, 2007

If Only It Was Your Heart Beat...

I love my cat.

I think going towards psychology as my major is making more and more sense each day. Maybe I'll just minor in political science?

Taking pictures with my new camera has been a very interesting experience. It can get frustrating though. As much as it might not appear, I'm quite the perfectionist. It gets so annoying when you have a thought in your head as to how you want your picture to look like and... it just doesn't cooperate when you're shooting. Some shots just don't want want to happen. I'll try to master these "thoughts" eventually...

I'm so indecisive.

iTunes: Lydia


Anonymous said...

your cats face is unbelievably massive. I hope that was chocolate milk

aphotoinhand said...

Haha.. aww! It was water. :) And believe it or not, he has a quite a small face. Hehe

Anonymous said...

i love your cat.

the lova-lamp photo makes me think about a re-occuring dream I have often about my soul(or for lack of better words, my perceptive mind) looking at my body at a distance as it morphes into a liquid in a seemingly boundless reality, shifting shapes and form, much like that of a lava lamp. Perhaps this could have something to do with my subconscious-inhibitions and uncertainty, floating without restraints. Either way, I like it.

That statue actually isnt Buddha, it's the chinese god of happyness...i dont know his name tho...

kudos, mate!

aphotoinhand said...

Aww, Jeff! I just realized you posted something here, lol.

That was a great comment. Those were great comments. Thanks!